Monday, December 15, 2008


Is it a state of mind and heart? I think so. I was recently reminded by a friend of mine, of the importance of recognizing and giving thanks, while at the same time, presenting my requests to God. It's interesting (and humbling) how priorities play out in my mind... I always think first about those things that I need or desire... Lord, please protect us while we are in Uganda, please save Detroit and the 3 million people who might be without jobs, please help my Mom to get well, please help my sister with her presentation today, and Dear God, please bring more snow. What I need and what I want, always come first.

Now I've probably heard this phrase a million times from people: "I am waiting for God to show up" or "I prayed that God would show up." Could it possibly be that God has always been right in the middle of the place where He is desired to show up? Could it be that I cannot see Him, because my tunnel vision of what I need and want is blocking my ability to see Him? Perhaps He is right beside me, He is right in the middle of the mess in Detroit, He is taking care of my Mom. When I go to Him with a heart of grattitude and begin to recognize and give thanks for every gift that He has given to me, and to the people that I love, it's amazing how quickly He "shows up." And then I am reminded that He has always been there... I am the one who has "shown up."

I made a list of 100 things that I am thankful for, just in this past year... it's amazing what begins to come to mind, when I open my heart up and receive the gift of gratitude, that comes only with His help.

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