Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Year Left

So maybe some would call it a morbid thought, to ponder what you would do, if you only had one year left to live. And truthfully, I do ache a little just thinking about it. I guess I really love my life. But it does jolt things into perspective very quickly, to think about what I would do, if I knew that mine was going to be much shorter than I'd ever anticipated.

I was out last night with two of my best friends, Missy and Heather, at our favorite vegan organic restaurant to celebrate Heather's 29th year of life. The question was presented, and strangely enough, I knew the answers right away. Maybe that's because I was with two of the people who know me better than anyone else, with whom transparency is automatic, or maybe I just know myself really well... Who knows? Regardless, this is what came to me...

First, I'd work like hell to get my book published.

Second, I'd visit children who are at the end of their own lives, and I would be able to say "I know how you feel." I've watched way too many kids face the inevitable, without anyone who understands.

Third, inappropriate to publish on this blog.

...Every moment is a gift.

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